Igor Galić

Lecture title

DIGITAL AD DENTE (or how to become digital master chef)


Al dente is the Italian term in gastronomy for the preparation of pasta (to the tooth or under the tooth), used to describe the ideal consistency of pasta when cooked. What are the new materials that we can use for the tooth when we know which implant can go under the tooth. Which recipe is best for a digital solution with our digital tools and ingredients in our Dental kitchen is the topic of this lecture.


Igor Galić was born in Croatia in 1972. After finishing Dental technician school he acquires his working experience in several private dental laboratories. He gains additional education and has taken part in many courses in Croatia and abroad.
In 2006 he opens his company in Zagreb “Primus Dental” which deals with the services of dental laboratory, prosthetic dental office, dental surgery, dental implantology.
Since 2008 to 2024 he has giving lectures and working courses.
He further participated in several working courses, as a speaker at many conferences for dental technicians organized by HKDM (Croatian Dental Chamber).
He is the author of one chapter and expert cooperator on a book “Partial prosthesis“ written by professor Kraljević. He has published several professional articles in Croatian dental magazine.
Hi is certified member of Straumann Lab Academy and KOL for Straumann. He is also a Key Opinion Leader for Ivoclar Digital.

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