Björn Roland

Lecture title

Digital workflow / IOS data processing with Smilecloud


  • September 2004 finish of the „Meisterprüfung“ Master Exam in Frankfurt
  • January to March 2005 visit of the Osaka Ceramic Training Center (OCTC) in Osaka/Japan
  • Also since 2005 international lectures and courses about Implantologie and Ceramic in over 20 countries
  • Since 2006 Director of „Virtual Implant Planing Gbr“ (a company for Interactive 3D Implant Planing and Drilling Guides)
  • Since beginning 2009 owner and director of „Dental Design Schnellbächer&Roland GmbH&Co.KG“
  • Autor of several National and International Publications with the topic Implant Prosthetic and Ceramic
  • ITI - Fellow
  • Member of the „dental excellence international Laboratory group”
  • Vice president of the FZT - Association of digital dental technology„
  • since 2021 CEO of Dental Design Björn Roland GmbH
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